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Grounded Woman

A mini retreat for the modern woman, with special guest TBA

  • Ended
  • From 85 Australian dollars
  • Ahimsa Hot Yoga

Available spots

Service Description

Reconnect with your inner self at Gem’s Grounded Woman mini retreat. This gentle afternoon session provides a safe and nurturing space to explore your relationship with yourself and your body. Learn about the physical and subtle messages of your body, gently explore your senses, re-connect with the woman inside who loves to dance. In this mini retreat you'll be invited to reignite your senses: smell, sight, taste, touch and sound. We live in an ironic time where overstimulation of technology and hyper-information can lead to disconnection and numbness in the body. It's easy to get so caught in your head or glued to screens that you forget the potent access you have to the body you were born into and the senses you get to experience as a human being. As women, embracing our senses can not only rebalance the nervous system but also allow you deep connection to your intuition and feminine power. This Grounded Woman retreat centres on your sacral energy point: the home of your sensuality. Did you body contract upon reading the word 'sensuality'? That's okay. I wonder if you could explore this visceral reaction. There has been so much project put onto our body as women, in-particular, the s*xulisation of our sensuality. Sensuality isn't about s*x. Sensuality is about slowing down, re-connecting to your breath, connecting to your body, calming your thinking mind and gently dropping into your feminine flow. We'll slow down and explore our senses through: - feminine embodiment centred on releasing tension in your hips and pelvic floor - oil ritual and gentle head & shoulder massage - practice mindful eating as you receive nourishing treats - explore slow, embodied movement and dance to ground back into your body - be guided through outdoor grounding practices - receive deep nourishment by a sound bath to conclude We're going to have a very special guest facilitator join us on this retreat. She is the embodiment of feminine essence and holds such loving space. I'll soon announce her presence and the gift that she will be sharing! This will be a safe, nurturing, fun environment where all women are welcome. Spaces will be limited to 16 women. All yoga props are included A $30 deposit is required upfront with full payment required one week from the event. Payment plans available.

Cancellation Policy

To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule an appointment by emailing Grounding Essence on or calling 0435 085 503.

Contact Details

  • Ahimsa Hot Yoga, Boundary Road, Richlands QLD, Australia

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